
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Beginning...

Hello lovely people! Thought I would give you a snippet of my life so far and how I have come to being involved in the blog world focusing on my passion of health, fitness, and food! 

My two sisters and I (in the middle) way back when.

It all began in my younger sisters and I were involved with ballet at a young age until we had to move around my age of 8. At that point I wanted to become involved in another type of sport. And since I have no hand-eye coordination (this is so true but working on it) I opted to try out swimming. When I entered the swimming world I knew I was involved with a sport that I could continue for the rest of my life. I met the most amazing people and learned so much about training and hard work. I was then given the opportunity to swim in college. This was where I really got involved with the fitness and food part of my life. 

Freshman year, for most people was a challenge. As it was for me as well...dining halls, and my training all had an effect on me in gaining a few extra pounds. This however did not affect me very much because after that first year in school I decided that cooking on my own would help me get back on track. I was never the gourmet chef in the kitchen (still no where near that) but I developed a love for cooking up concoctions and BAKING (sweet tooth alert!). During those next few years I learned a lot more about cooking from my pals on The Food Network and many other bloggers. I continue to use tips and tricks to develop some yummy stuff in the kitchen.

My college swimming career took a slight downfall when I had a few reoccurring injuries that caused me to step back in my training. I had always loved training and never giving up during practice, being on the side lines was not fun. From this I learned about proper nutrition and that I needed adequate amounts of vitamins and nutrients necessary to help repair my healing body. At this point I was into my senior year deciding what I wanted to do after graduation...I think we all can relate to this time in life. I considered going on to graduate school for exercise science and when I was accepted into the program at Georgia Southern I knew it was my calling. I have learned so much the past two years about the body, how it works, what it needs, and how to help others with their own health issues. 

Drew (boyfriend) & I

I now have my ACSM Personal Training certification and work as a health fitness specialist in D.C. helping others meet their goals. I hope this little corner of the Internet can help you with some thoughts and questions you have about health, fitness, food, etc. I hope you enjoy :)