
Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 1: Paleo Challenge

Hello friends! Week 1 was not as expected.  Since I've basically been on a sugar high for the past month I thought this week would be really hard for me...sugar cravings...the normal. BUT it was not bad at all, the blasphemy!!

Don't I sound like an infomercial?? Ugh. But I mean this by saying that I felt great during my workouts and rarely starving for something sweet after my dinner in the evening (not saying I never wanted to eat a big bowl of fruit...). I was trying to stay away from fruit just this week so it wouldn't spark those super sugar cravings.  However, Saturday after my workout I needed a carb stat so I had a banana w/ almond butter and it was heaven!! Next week I will incorporate probably a fruit a day or every other.

The past year(s) I've been dealing with stomach issues, ya know the good stuff... :/ Since testing out the Paleo way of eating the past few months, these issues have been getting better and just this week I rarely had any problems. Extra credit!

So what have the meals looked like for week 1? Here ya go! (Remember this is just what I ate, I am no registered dietitian or for that matter a biochemist, but ya know ;)

Week 1: Paleo Challenge

-Omelette (eggs, spinach/kale, coconut milk) w/ bacon + hot sauce
-Mini beef sliders w/ broccoli & spaghetti squash + pesto  (homemade)
-Chicken thighs + Bubby's sauerkraut & olives
-Bison burger & spinach/broccoli

*All breakfasts included 1 cup coffee

-Spaghetti squash w/ meat sauce(homemade w/ bison) + roasted broccoli + walnuts (3 days, love this)
-Roasted chicken thighs w/ summer squash + half avocado or w/ broccoli (2 days)
-Bison burger + roasted broccoli
-Broiled haddock +banana/almond butter (random, I know)
-Homemade Cauliflower Soup + Applegate grass fed hot dog+mustard

-hard boiled eggs
-walnuts or almonds
-carrot sticks w/ almond butter
-coffee w/ coconut milk
-almond butter coconut cups (literally almond butter, coconut oil, cinnamon, coconut)
-coconut paleo muffin
-sunbutter balls (homemade sunflower flour, almond butter, coconut)
-cucumber slices

-Spaghetti squash w/ meat sauce + roasted asparagus
-Beef mini sliders w/ mustard + roasted asparagus
-Kayla's chipotle bowl ( lettuce, red & green salsa, grilled onions/peppers, carnitas, guacamole, hot sauce)
-Breakfast for dinner (omelet w/ spinach + bacon) 
-Bison burgers + spinach & olives
-Broiled haddock + broccoli & olives 

-Full body circuit (4 circuits/3 rounds), 30 min. cardio (bike/ treadmill intervals)
-30 min. cardio + ab circuit
-CrossFit: Back squat (strength, 5x5) + Fran (ugh)
-CrossFit: Sumo deadlifts (strength, 5x5) + 7 Min AMRAP Rx: 65lb (1 deadlift, 1 thruster, 2,2 etc.)
-CrossFit: Rope Climbs + 10 Rounds Partner WOD (10 T2B, 15 Burpee Box Jumps, 10 C2B Pull-ups, 15 Hang Cleans)...umm this was hard but fun!
-Strength/Core circuit + 30 min. cardio

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